Coding in GMl, or rather how a retard learned efficiency…

So When I started to learn GML I had a lot of ideas how I should code certain things, all of these turned out to be working.

The problems only started lately when I realized while the game functions perfectly, the scalability is hilariously lacking, my first codes were overly complex, long and complicated.

Recently I rewrote the entire Player code and reduced it from  800+lines to 240 lines…. that`s a huge change.

Another problem was the amount of separate object I was creating, specifically decay objects, actually decay is the wrong word since they don`t dissapear, anyways objects that are remains of enemies, and other objects, I realized I can just create one object that have a variable as its sprite index, and can define the value when its created.

The amount of facepalm I have throughout the learning process is funny yet stressing.

Update on the game, and Final Fantasy Type-0

The game is going well, slow but solid, the demo is coming, eventually… When I feel its safe to release.

I finished a lot of enemy designs, and their attack patters and skills, and I refined the enemy Ai the 4th bloody time now 😛 Now its more efficient, and most important I can add skills, and states much easier. (Meaning more complex enemies.)

Now on to a bit of a Rant.

Krhhmmm FUCK YOU SQUARE-ENIX!!!!!!!!!!
I mean it!

I used to love Square, and even the firs years of their merger, but in the last decade they produced nothing but confused games that cant decide who they want to please, so they end up between two seats on the floor. I have a deep seated hatred for the ff13 trilogy… I think FF13 was terrible in every aspect, and was nothing more than a massive step in the wrong direction, and no IMO ff13-2 didn’t change anything for the better.
We had to sit and watch as this once great company kept producing crap while their best ideas, Agito and Versus were delayed and unsupported…

So I firmly believe the only way to save the FF formula is indeed the now retitled FF13 Versus, now the next numbered entry. The moment i saw the first gameplay videos about 6-7 years ago, I knew that game will modernize the FF formula…. but its STILL NOT OUT!

On the other hand the other hopeful Agito, nw type-0 did come out with moderate fanfare in Japan, its obvious why they didnt port it, the psp went under years prior in USA and EU, but that’s no excuse to not make a PS2 port…. or a PS3 for that matter. So type-0 was never localized.

Its only thanks to a bunch of super awesome Fans of the game that there is a translation, which is btw a better translation than some Square produced in-house…
And thanks to the PPSSPP emulator now I got to enjoy this game in its full glory on the big screen, no thanks to SE or Sony….

SO now i am confident that this game rocks, I am almost finished with it and aside from a slow start(well DAAAH) its a really really good game, visually amazing, squeezes every bit out of the psp, and its amazingly well made. This game deserves to be localized and its everything FF fans wanted and missed, with a modernized formula, its basically just a step away form the FF15 formula, real time action based combat just like crisis core but with 3 characters at the same time.

And yes I know we are getting a mobile version of sorts, but that’s not this game its a mobile grind fest based loosely on this games story, which is btw full of BLOOD! something FF13 never ever had….

So SE, fuck you! I dont know what your heads are doing but wtf is wrong with you? If you screw up FF15 you are truly at the end of the line, and hopefully this time Disney wont be there to save your sorry ass.

Q&A with Jparker1984 On the RPG maker Forums

Jparker1984: Going into this, did you realize at all that disregarding most the fantasy aspects for Border in exchange for a more realistic feel, would generate some level of negative feedback?

Grayborders: Absolutely! As a kid I loved and enjoyed many of the more loose and silly aspects of these games, they are still charming to me, but I could never really get deep into these worlds mythology because of these elements.

Jparker1984: The graphics are amazing, very consistent all across the board. Where did you get your inspiration from and are there multiple people working on them?

Grayborders: The visuals of the game are all coming from me, so its easy to stay focused on one style. This is the very same style I started out with 8 years ago, the first drawing of a ruined city, overrun by nature still represents the tone of this world the best.

Jparker1984: Now, deciding to go with a realistic game is difficult in its own right. Are you planning to make this “Epic” length, like 30+ hours of gameplay?

Grayborders: Yes, the main story is around 30H, plus the 30+H of optional content. The story and setting of the game is all but done to the very last detail for a few years now.

Jparker1984: I was very interested in the relationship aspect, are you planning to go as deep as Mass Effect?

Grayborders: I`d say deeper. I try to focus on character conflicts, the team in the story is staying together not because they are friends, but because of a common goal, they all have very different opinions of the world and the things they will have to do in the course of the game. So there will be a lot of conflict, and you get to take your sides.

Jparker1984: How many if any, traditional fantasy aspects will you be including?

Grayborders: All that makes sense and won`t raise logical questions. There is magic, airships, Dragons(even if they are very different from the normal definition). But I treat them with respect, and actually explain all of it.

Jparker1984: In today’s gaming world a lot of games tend to have more characters then generations past with a few exceptions, usually at the cost of character personalities. With path do you plan to go more with?

Grayborders: Well, again I had a lot of work done with the characters. I love these characters, each and every one, even the “villains” during the 8 years I jumped back and forth with them constantly making sure they are who they should be.

Jparker1984: You have what looks like a lot of fans already. As I’m sure you know, non-commercial games often have a history of looking really nice, but never see a finished product. Are you worried at all that could be a problem for you?

Grayborders: Not at all. Many commercial games come to be with the idea to make a game first, I made a world and story for a very long time, and later decided about the medium. This means all that’s left is to put down all existing lines, and stories into the game. If we get funded, it will be done!

Jparker1984: For a break from game specific questions. How long have you been an active pro gamer, for lack of better terms?

Grayborders: Due to where I lived I get to grow up on games form the dawn of gaming, I had an Amiga, a Nes, a Genesis, and when ppl in other countries were playing Quake 3, I was playing the only thing my PC allowed me to, Emulators. But if I have to say an age, since I was 8.

Jparker1984: With a bunch of good RPG series out there such as Tales Of, Final Fantasy, Star Ocean and so on. Do you have a favorite?

Grayborders: Tales of games. I love them, which is ironic because they have some of the most loose lore, and settings. I used to love FF games, used to…

Jparker1984: As hard as it is, pretend RPGs don’t exist. What’s your favorite commercial game from a different genre?

Grayborders: Very hard question, I have many favorites. But close to my heart is the Metal Gear series, I` m an avid fan, I played every single game of it, even the odd PSP ones, I know their lore inside out. So I’d say it’s the MG Games.

Jparker1984: This last question has nothing to do with gaming, but I just have to ask. Does bacon actually make everything taste better?

Grayborders: I never ate bacon!

Grey Morality in Games

Lately in video games, moral choices give to the player took a more frontal role, and something players seem to enjoy a lot.

There are games cantered around choice that use this concept well, and then there are others where its rather dull or black and white, and a few where it downright became a detriment to the experience.

Now let me point out the following is MY opinion, and it’s just that, an opinion.


The bad examples:

Dishonored. I have to start with this, I will flat out say i hated how the moral choice was implemented in this game. Its obviously a fun game with some interesting characters and ideas. However I think the developers made a terrible mistake.


Now this game is a stealth/assassin game. You can avoid combat fro 99% of the game and never forced to kill a single person. However the game very much made the violent options enjoyable and much, much more varied than the non violent solutions.

Also the way missions are arranged you normally meet the targets of your mission before you have a chance to kill them, and usually you`ll learn what kind of terrible people they are, torture greed, corruption, murder, they are all scum people. So it’s not a surprise that many players will be tempted to kill the targets even if they spare the generic guards, and soldiers.

Now problems start right here. If the player kills the targets the chaos of the district will increase, if the player have even a single district with chaos by the end of the game, they get the “bad” ending, where the little princess turns into a little Hitler, and thanks you for teaching her the way….

The game developers decided that killing even a single person who just happens to be a murder, pimp, sadist pig, means your little girl turns into a super villain.

This in my opinion is a terrible way to approach any moral question. Of course the developers are free to do as they please with their game. I just find it rather harsh, and confusing. The idea makes sense if you are violent the little girl learns to solve her problems with violence. But the execution here was terrible.


The Bioware way:

From Kotor, to Mass effect.

This is a much better approach but still have rather huge leaps of logic, and forced opinions.

These games present a dual morality system. In Kotor it makes a lot of sense, Star wars was always a space fantasy, not science fiction. (If you want real moral quandaries watch Star trek.)

Star Wars is black and white, just like Lord of the Rings, it’s all very clear who is good and who is evil. So the game using a dual morality fits perfectly.

Now the problem is that they ported this dual system into Mass Effect, a Science Fiction game. Now I wont go into details on how I think each sequel of Mass Effect only took away from he richness of the setting, and gameplay. But from the 3 games the first handled this the best, with the third game turning into a joke of morality.

Now when I play science Fiction I want my brain to be moved, and worked with new and interesting concepts, races, technologies. While Mass Effect delivered on these fronts pretty well, the morality always bothered me. In the first game it makes sense. Even the second game you can say it’s still alright.

But when the Reapers arrive and the galaxy is at its end, calling someone a “renegade” for making hard choices? That’s really juvenile… Not to mention that your options range from Angel in human skin to baby strangling psychopath. And the worst thing you can do when raising moral questions is….



This is the most offensive to players in my opinion.

For one the developers decide for you what is right and what is wrong for you to do. It also makes choices no-brainers, players will jump the gun and just pick a side and probably stick with it. It also removes any thinking from the equation.


And the better.

Dragon Age.

Funnily enough a Fantasy setting is where these guys gave their best in my opinion. Due to the nature of the setting the role of “evil” is already taken. They could also not use the special agent who rides the line (mass effect) So instead they had to come up with much more meaningful moral options. In Dragon age games the main conflict is between mages and non-mages.

Both sides are portrayed equally terrible, mages use blood magic to summon demons, so templar’s put them in camps, and violate their freedom and privacy, even going so low to lobotomize them. So in return mages will use blood magic….. and the circle goes on. This is mainly the morality of the second game. The first game was much more about racism, and the developers nicely allowed for the player to take any side, even allowing to be a racist.

However Dragon age 2 missed a lot things from becoming great, aside form being an incomplete game, with lots of laziness, the morality took a hit here with choices, once again colour-coded.


How to do it right.

To make morality interesting you need the right setting. It have to be about a conflict of options where both have their logical reasons to be there. Real humans are not born angels or devils, and I firmly believe no human is ever totally good or bad. Of course this is all up for debate, psychologist have been trying to prove this for ages.

Once you have an interesting choice, you have to avoid putting your opinion in there!

It’s really important that the player will make the choice not because its blue or red, but because they feel it’s the right choice in that situation. They will feel a lot more involved if they decide what to do and be themselves instead of following the developers choices on what’s right or wrong.

And obvious game that dose this perfectly is Teltale games of late! Walking dead anyone?

They even take the time to share at the end how many players made the same decisions, and the way choices are set up players might find themselves feeling bad about things they said, or regretting a choice. Just like in real life!

In these games all choices will have their supporters and opposes! This is a brilliant way to make choices interesting too, and due to the setting of the game players will make much more varied decisions than in any of the other games, sometime even turning on characters they supported earlier.


How Border will handle morality!

No Colour-coding, We won’t tell you what we think is right! It’s the players’ choice to do what they feel is right, be that cruel or supportive.

So therefore there should be no negative or positive rewards other than characters opinions.

Due to the nature of the Story the main characters are forced to work together, but that does not mean they have to agree on things!

Also because of the dark setting, all choices will be rather controversial. Well they would be in real life, but fantasy as they say, is what you make of it!


Main characters of Border




            Normal build, blonde mid length hair, blue eyes. Saragat is 21 years old at the beginning of the story, he lived the majority of his life in Shaard and worked as a guard there when the Leader of the Gods Hao attacked and killed everyone, he almost died but managed to escape north where he slowly recovered but the mental scar never really healed, he appears lighthearted and takes things lightly, but is very skilled with the sword and appears to have no real regard for anyone willing to draw a sword at him. He never knew his mother and his father died when he was 14 years old. Sargat uses a 1 handed sword and have a unique self-thought fighting style.





            Tall build, long brown hair, grey eyes. Gray is 32 years old and a trained Demon Hunter, he became friends with Sargat during his many visits to Shaard. He can be distant and calculating, but a good leader, Saragat thinks of him as a brother. According to him he is hunting down the members of Core looking for a certain item, but wont let on what the item is. Gray is incredibly skilled with his straight katana, and decent with magic.





            Short build, black mid length hair. Green eyes. Hito is a trained self proclaimed solider, tough he won`t say which country. He looks a lot like the current king of Firan. He is very stern and easy to anger, but clearly cares a lot for others. He clearly have ties with the Core since he carries a gun and a gunblade, weapons that are not accessible to anyone outside the Midgar Special Forces. He owns his own airship he nicknames Spear, he is a talented tactician and a pilot. His guns and Magiteck gear lets him face up to almost anything, but he almost entirely useless with magic.





            Normal build, silver long hair, brown eyes. Len is a Goddess who left the Gods and acts separately from them for almost 6200 years  why she did this is unknown, she is a well known traveling warrior who fights Dragons and Demons, and mostly accepted even by the Angelus church. Being a Goddess she is extremely powerful and have insight on the larger on goings of the world. Her traveling companion is an Arc Spirit called Seifer, one of the last Arc Spirits from before Midgar. She is older than the MIdgar empire, extremely powerful both physically and magically, only Flare can harm her.



            Short build, mid length brown hair, blue eyes. Noah is an Arc Mage, and a General in the Midgar army, he is a descendant of the  Allvise family and openly admits being a member of the Core, he appears playful and harmless but incredibly sharp and cunning. He prefers not to demonstrate his skills, and dyes his true hair color, which is like all other mage is blue. Physically weak, but one of the best mages in history, can dual and triple cast, an ability only mastered by few among the old Arcane Mages.


            The Gods:

            The remaining five Gods not counting Len ,  Haru is Len`s brother and second in charge who is well known to be the ambassador of Gods. Eir, the Goddess who specializes in infiltration, and Crystallization magic. Hachi, a mage with the other remaining Arc Spirit at his side. Regis, the God`s main contact with the followers a great strategist.

And Hao the leader of Gods who was the oldest God at the time Ragnarok consumed the God`s realm, he sealed the Border with the use of a Creation Stone. He and the Gods are motivated to destroy the Core and prevent the return of Ragnarok.

The Races of Border

-Humans, they are identical to us, but live for an average of 100 years. All Humans are capable of using magic easily with the help of Glyphs, this lead to a world where automated magic, known as Manatek lead to the development of easy flight with airships, and cities placed upon floating islands.

-Spirits, they are the representation of nature, Spirits have a weaker physical presence, but are crucial to the natural flow of Mana, they usually take the form of Animals, but are larger and almost transparent.

-Demons, nature twisted, Demons were once spirits who became aggressive to protect something. They first appeared during the war against the Dragons. Recently they reappeared in large numbers and seams to hunt Humans.

-Gods, an extinct race. Having only 6 survivors , the Gods were once the watchers of all worlds, they are completely human in appearance and physiology, however they stop aging when reaching adulthood , and posses incredible strength, speed, and are adapt at all Magic. They now live on the Border, watching over the seal placed on Ragnarok.

-Dragons, the children of Ragnarok, They usually have 6 legs and 4 eyes, Dragons posses incredible power, and massive beast, higher ranked Dragons can talk and wield Magic. Dragons posses the unique ability to wield Flare, something that disintegrates all Mana, and existence itself.


When most people hear the word “Demon” they instantly think of big muscle ridden red guys with horns, usually in the company of fire. Demons in Border are black semi solid beings, their movements are usually very fast and fluid.


As with Dragons, our Dragons have 6 legs and 4 eyes (2 on both sides of the head) normally only walk on 4 of their legs and raise their body ahead of their middle legs up. sort of like a centaur. They normally have 2 wings, but in certain cases up to 6 wings.

I plan to soon upload a TON of concept art.